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Usefull psychological self help books for those motivated clients who want to go it alone or complementing Therapy


For those of you who want some further useful reading material instead of therapy, if your problems are mild and you are very motivated,  or as an ad on to therapy. All these books have been used in therapy by myself or other clinical Psycholoigist and come recommended.

Enjoy reading good luck on your journey of making  changes.


 Self help Books for depression (first 3 using mindfulness or selfcompassion)














                                                                                these 2 overcoming books by Espie and by Chris William  follow

                                                                                 more a CBT model


self help books for anxiety and worry


first 2 overcoming books are for social anxiety and low self -esteem by very experienced CBT therpist and Therapy trainers.











mindfulness based stress reduction books or relaxation CDs














Books on Trauma recovery and using compassion focus to deal with traumatic childhood experiences


















Mindfulness based self help books and courses






























Acceptance and commitment base self help books


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